- Offer your hand, not your judgment / Sad Club Rule -

"It's not when you fall into a river that you drown, it's when you keep your head underwater"
"I'm a house. Inside me it's dark. My consciousness is a lonely light, a draughty candle. Its flame swings, sometimes here, sometimes there. Everything else is in darkness. Everything else is inside the unconscious. Yet they are there, the other rooms. Niches, corridors, doors, stairs. At any moment, everything that lives inside, everything that wanders inside, is and remains there. All this works and lives in this house that is me."

✧ sadclub_on@hotmail.com ✧
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And if you prefer to write in your notes, but still want to help spread good vibes and happiness to others, and help you too.
Send me something you've done or experienced in your day (as many days as you want) that has brought you happiness, anything. It's a very good exercise and pretty simple.
And I will anonymously share the submissions I'll receive via the contact form below, with the subject line "My #on_thing of the day", on this page as a quote. ☻
And I will anonymously share the submissions I'll receive via the contact form below, with the subject line "My #on_thing of the day", on this page as a quote. ☻
Thank you! Take care ♥︎

✶ Your #on_thing of the day ✶
"Today was my friends birthday ! Although I couldn't see her today, I had to much fun preparing her gift and dropping it off to her ! It was so strange seeing a friend in real life for the first time in MONTHS. We also FaceTimed for hours tonight."
"It's crazy how something, depending on your tastes and personalities, etc, can change the way you feel from one second to the next.I've been wanting to hurt myself for days, scratching the old ones to try not to. And when I woke up, I knew, I knew I was going to do it. But then tonight, I watched the new season of a show that I love very much. From episode to episode, I couldn't stop. I've been "binge-watching" it, right? Anyway, I just, didn't want to do it after... like, hurting myself. So I'm going to try to hold on to that for this new day that's already here, I've already, like, won one more day, in the face of this battle. ☯︎"